Cerulean (the Doodliest of them all!) was born a year ago this month on January 17th, and it’s CJ’s birthday too (also a Doodle! don’t we all have a little doodle in there somewhere?) on the 22nd as well, so… It’s a Double Doodle Birthday! and to celebrate, we’re having Double Do-odle Parties – that means two of them! (Jan 6th and January 20th)
No need for presents, just come Doodle with us…
But what are we gonna Do-odle? We’re gonna Do-odle all kinds of things!

What are we Doodling?
We’ll have music and snacks, but we’re not just gonna sit around and doodle our thumbs! We’ve got things to Do-odle and we wanna Do-odle them with you! (no… that’s not some sort of innuendo… here’s a list…)
Our To Do-odle list includes:
1. Doodling up Shelves for Kitties and Doodles
2. Cabinet Doodle-Proofing
4. Ru’s Nursury Im-Proof-ments
5. Play Structure Repair-ments
6. Indoor Rock Climbing Hall-Wall
No pressure to Doodle in any particular way, great to just chill, dance, play etc. and we’re just excited to Doodle stuff with folks around, no matter how folks are excited to join in
Additional Doodlings may include:
– Hot tub Soaks
– Devouring Yummy Snacks
– Dancing: anywhere and everywhere!
– Jus’ Doodling (ie. chillin’ with the Doodle)
– Doodle Cake on Day 2
Jan 6th and January 20th between the hours of 9am and 3pm!
We’ll be rescheduling the 2nd Doodle party to a sat that folks aren’t snowed in, stay tuned! If you wanna swing by, DM us in case we’re out exploring the snow!
Join either day or both! It’s a wide window, so we don’t expect folks to stay the whole time, come and go as you wish!
Let us know you’re coming! And where is our home?
If you’re coming (and especially you’re not able to see the FB events 1 and 2 and know where we’ll be!), send us a text or an email at [email protected] to get the address and let us know 🙂
Also, if there’s something in particular you’re excited about share about it on the group or with us in a DM so we can know what to expect.
Things to Bring:
– Bring your little Doodles! (in this case, a doodle is your kiddos of all ages) We’ll find a way to play and enjoy whoever’s here!
– Bring some snacks if you wanna
– Bring some music if you wanna
– Bring toys for bigger kids perhaps?
– We’ll have the hot tub at a modest child-friendly temperature (~100*). Bring a swimsuit just in case if that’s exciting (it’s usually clothing optional, but depending on the comfort of who joins that may or may not be the case, so best to be prepared).
– Bring some weather-appropriate clothes in case you wanna help with something outside, depending on the weather quality…
– If you wanna bring extra tools you could, but we have what we need